Update 0.200 Widow

It's been over two and a half years since the last update but it's finally stable enough for a public release. 

I would like people to go into this with an open mind. In some ways this update may feel like a step backward, but in all the ways that matter, this is a massive leap forward. 

Everything has been replaced or improved. The biggest addition has been weapon customization, which has taken up the most time. 

The reason for the name change is simple, there are a hundred other games out there with the name "Incursion" out there, with varying degrees of quality, and I wanted to avoid confusion. East of Eden is not only thematically appropriate, it is more importantly available.

Also I apologize that multiplayer is disabled in this version while a proper server browser is implemented

Thank you all so much for your patience and support for all these years


v0.200 Widow 272 MB
29 days ago

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